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Tawon Minyak Gosok EE

Tawon Minyak Gosok EE

Regular price €9,19 EUR
Regular price Sale price €9,19 EUR
Unit price €15,32  per  100ml
Sale Sold out
Tax included.

MHD: 30.11.27

60 ml

Minyak Gosok Oil brand

For temporary relief of slight muscle and joint pain, simple back pain, arthritis, strains, bruises, sprains, headaches, itching due to insect bites and flatulence. 

Application only externally:

Adults and children from the age of 2: rub with a cotton pad 3 to 4 times a day.

Children under 2 years: do not use.

Components: Menthol, 2.2 % topical analgesic
Campaign, 4 % topical analgesic

Achyranthes root extract, bupleurum root extract, coconut oil, coconut oil, ceylon-citronella root extract, Chinese wild ginger-herb extract, fingerwur (kaempferia pandurata Roxb.), Garlic-garlic extract, ginger extract, rhizom Extract of the Great Galgant, Lawang (Cinnamomum Culilawan) Oil, onion tuber extract, pepper root extract, piper-lay blade extract, hairy angel root (Angelica polyclada franch.)-root extract, saigon-ceremonial stem extract, turkuma-rhizom extract, terpentine oil and western lem As oil.

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