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Best Wok Mie Goreng Original

Best Wok Mie Goreng Original

Regular price €0,89 EUR
Regular price Sale price €0,89 EUR
Unit price €10,47  per  1000g
Sale Sold out
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MHD: 06.09.2024

85 grams

Now try the delicious best wok mie goreng original instant pasta from Indonesia! This classic version is the perfect snack or a quick meal for in between. The noodles are already boiled down and mixed with spices and oil so that they are finished in a few minutes. The authentic taste will immediately take you into the streets of Indonesia.

Enjoy the best Wok Mie Goreng Original as the main meal or as a side dish to other dishes. The noodles are perfect for quick hunger in between or as a delicious alternative to other instant pasta. Now try the best wok mie goreng original and experience the taste of Indonesia!


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